Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Vingananee and the Tree Toad

Cultural origins: This is a Liberian tale originally brought to the storytelling scene by the storyteller known as Aunt Clara. The picture book by Verna Aardema and Ellen Weiss is a well outlined retelling of the story. I first heard this story told at a public library by the professional storyteller, Alicia Quintano. 

Intended audience: Early Elementary School (5-7)

Why this audience?: This is a fun story to tell to a younger audience because of the repetition of the Vingananee's song and the distinct characters. It's also great to tell this story without any pictures because the Vingananee could be anything. This story can accompany a discussion or a craft about the Vingananee and see how everyone's giant monster comes out.

Characters:  Mouse
                        The Vingananee
                        Tree Toad
Scenes/Settings: Mouse's house outside the jungle

Synopsis: A long time ago, when animals could talk to each other Mouse, Dog and Tiger decided that it was better to live together than to live alone. Tiger and Dog spent the day working in the fields and mouse spent the day cleaning and cooking so that when Tiger and Dog came home that smelled they collapsed to the floor and Mouse would serve them stew. 

The three lived quite happily in this way until one day Tiger and Dog returned from work find the house a mess and when they came to the fire and looked in the pot they soon discovered, "NO STEW!" and after a time, "NO MOUSE!" They called for mouse until they heard a low whimpering in the backyard. There was Mouse all tied up and shaking. 

"What happened?!" asked Tiger. 

Mouse explained shaking, "The Vingananee."

"The what?!" 

"The Vingananee! He came walking up the path demanding stew and I wouldn't give it to him. So he tied me up out here and ate all the stew."

Tiger and Dog were impressed that Mouse had stood up to the Vingananee but they would not allow this to happen again so Dog decided to stay home the next day and cook and clean just in case the Vingananee returned. They all slept better knowing Dog would be prepared and the fell asleep listening to tree toad singing in the branches, "KA WA WA WA WAA! KA WA WA WA WAA!"

So the next day Tiger and Mouse set out to the fields wishing Dog good luck. As Dog was preparing a sumptuous stew he heard a pounding and then a deep, deep voice, "I'm the Vingananee and I am hungry. Give me your stew or I will eat you!!" 

Dog cowered in the corner of the kitchen he didn't realize that the Vingananee was going to sound that terrifying. Finally the Vingananee burst through the door and demanded stew. Dog bravely refused and when Tiger and Mouse returned from work they found the house a mess and when they came to the fire and looked in the pot they soon discovered, "NO STEW!" and after a time, "NO DOG!" They called for Dog until they heard a low bark in the backyard. There was Dog all tied up and shaking. 

"What happened?!" asked Tiger. 

Dog explained, "The Vingananee! He came walking up the path demanding stew and I wouldn't give it to him. So he tied me up out here and ate all the stew."

Tiger and Mouse were impressed that Dog had also stood up to the Vingananee but they would not allow this to happen so Tiger, bigger and fiercer, decided to stay home the next day and cook and clean so when the Vingananee returned he would have something much bigger to face than Mouse and Dog. They all slept better knowing Tiger would be prepared and the fell asleep listening to tree toad singing in the branches, "KA WA WA WA WAA! KA WA WA WA WAA!"

So the next day Dog and Mouse set out to the fields wishing Tiger good luck. As Tiger was preparing a delicious stew he heard a pounding and then a deep, deep voice, "I'm the Vingananee and I am hungry. Give me your stew or I will eat you!!" 

Tiger cowered in the corner of the kitchen but he gathered up his courage and opened the door and looked all the way up to the sky to see the Vingananee. He demanded stew. Tiger refused and lunged to fight but when Tiger and Mouse returned from work they found the house a mess and when they came to the fire and looked in the pot they soon discovered, "NO STEW!" and after a time, "NO TIGER!" They called for Tiger until they heard a low mew in the backyard. There was Tiger all tied up and shaking. 

"What happened?!" asked Mouse. 

Tiger explained, "The Vingananee! He came walking up the path demanding stew and I wouldn't give it to him. So he tied me up out here and ate all the stew."

They were all at a loss. How would they eat? The Vingananee kept eating their stew. They would have to move! They were discussing the move when Tree Toad called to them, "Excuse me, but might I try fighting the Vingananee tomorrow?" Tiger, Dog and Mouse all burst out laughing. How could tiny Tree Toad possibly take on the might Vingananee? But they figured they didn't have a lot to lose by letting Tree toad try. They all slept quite poorly that night knowing that Tree Toad would probably meet his demise the next day. But they eventually fell asleep listening to tree toad singing in the branches, "KA WA WA WA WAA! KA WA WA WA WAA!"

So the next day Tiger, Dog and Mouse all set out for the fields waving goodbye to Tree Toad for they knew it was the last they would see of him. As Tree Toad set about preparing the stew for the day he heard a pounding and then a deep, deep voice, "I'm the Vingananee and I am hungry. Give me your stew or I will eat you!!" 

Tree Toad cowered but quickly straightened up and went to meet the Vingananee on the path. Tree Toad commanded the Vingananee to stop, and the Vingananee had no idea who had spoken so he stopped.  Trembling, Tree Toad said in loudest Tree Toad voice, "You cannot have my friends stew today or any other day!" 

The Vingananee laughed, for he could now see little Tree Toad. He bent down picked him and tossed him high into the sky. The Vingananee looked to see where Tree Toad had landed and as he looked up Tree Toad landed with a firm swift kick and knocked the Vingananee out. 

When Tiger, Dog and Mouse returned and saw the Vingananee tied up on the path to their house they were dumbfounded. How did Tree Toad do it? They begged him to tell them but Tree Toad never revealed his secret. But Tree Toad earned their respect and was invited to dine with them every night for stew. 

And of course they always fell asleep listening to tree toad singing in the branches, "KA WA WA WA WAA! KA WA WA WA WAA!"

Story Climaxes/High Points: Tree toad is picked up by the Vingananee and thrown so high up in the sky that the Vingananee can't see him and when he lands and the Vingananee's head he knocks him out.

Special Chants/Phrases: 
I'm the Vingananee and I am hungry.
Give me your stew or I will eat you!!

Tree Toad's song: Ka wa wa wa waa! Ka wa wa wa waa!

Bibliographic Information:
Aardema, Verna. (1983). The Vingananee and the Tree ToadNew York: F. Warne.

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